When God Attacks Affluence [Exodus 7:14-9:7]

In the first five plagues, God shows His power over the gods of Egypt and attacks the Egyptians’ many sources of affluence. Nothing in this world deserves our wholehearted trust and allegiance.


God is to be the one and only source of our allegiance. He can and will provide everything we need. We simply need to trust completely in Him.


God accentuates what man initiates. (7:13-14) God chooses to use it to teach lessons about His power and to show His glory.

Confrontation #1: The Giver of Life is greater than the sustenance of life. (7:15-25)

Confrontation #2: The Source of Fertility is greater than the evidence of fertility. (8:1-7)

Confrontation #3: The Provider of Comfort is greater than the irritants of life. (8:16-18)

Confrontation #4: The Benefactor of Health is greater than the carriers of disease. (8:20-21)

Confrontation #5: The Bestower of Economy is greater than the accumulation of wealth. (9:1-7)


Blood is evidence of death, but later will be a sign of life! (7:17-21)

The Enemy tries to deceive people from trusting in God by counterfeiting God’s work. (7:22-25, 8:7)

Unbelievers seek to make deals with God for their own benefit, not for God’s glory (8:8)

Procrastination is an effort to avoid responsibility and yet maintain the illusion of control. (8:9-10) 

The stench of sin impacts us all. (8:12-14) 

When things are going well, we easily and conveniently forget the promises we make to God. (8:15)

At some point, the Enemy exhausts his deceptions and can do no more. Even He acknowledges the work of God that cannot be copied. (8:19)

God’s people under His control are exempt from the terminal effect of sin. Their exemption testifies to God’s protection and provision. (8:22-23)

Those opposed to God seek to compromise but not give up control or authority. (8:24-32)


When God Confronts Pride [Exodus 9:8-11:10]


Your Family Tree Doesn’t Disqualify You [Exodus 6:14-30]