Your Family Tree Doesn’t Disqualify You [Exodus 6:14-30]

Before the plagues commence, Scripture provides a genealogy for Moses and Aaron, highlighting their family line’s unsavory nature. Just like these two who were used mightily by God, nothing in your family tree can disqualify you from God’s service.


God knows what He doing! If He could use Moses—not disqualified by his family or his actions—He can also use you. Trust God and serve Him.


Reuben is the firstborn, but he is passed over. (6:14) Previous sins caused Reuben to lose the favored status of God and of his father, Jacob. (Genesis 49:3) 

Simeon (along with Levi)  has his own embarrassments in his family line. (6:15) Yet, God’s sovereign choice is at work; only He knows what is right and best. (Genesis 34:30)

Levi, the third child of Jacob, has three sons: the middle one, is named Kohath (Moses’ paternal grandfather). (6:16-19) Moses’ father, Amram, is the firstborn in his family.

Amram marries his aunt, Jochebed, and has three children...Moses is the “baby” of the family. (6:20) This marriage relationship is later forbidden by the Law. (Leviticus 18:14)

Aaron is also married; his wife is Elisheba. They have four sons. (6:23) Eleazar is highlighted as he will be the future High Priest. (6:25)

The point is to show the family connections of Moses and Aaron through the Levites for all the Hebrew children to know. (6:26-27)

Moses’ own self-awareness indicates he was willing to eliminate himself from consideration (shame, guilt, incompetence, lack of acceptance). (6:28-30)


Genealogies attempt to establish the right of one to hold a certain function or office. We look for human credibility, but it can never replace God’s way of doing things. (6:14-27). 

God works in unexpected ways so that He gets the glory for what He does. (6:14-30)

Self-awareness is never a replacement for God-awareness (6:29-30) and nothing in your family tree disqualifies you from service for God. 

Sin is sin and not to be discounted; but God grants mercy and grace greater than all our sin. (6:15; 6:20; 6:23; 6:30)

We are God’s inheritance, a kingdom of priests for His glory and our good. (1 Peter 2:5)


When God Attacks Affluence [Exodus 7:14-9:7]


When Things Get Worse Before They Get Better [Exodus 5:1-6:1]