Fear Not - You Are Favored By God [Luke 1:26-38]
God graced Mary so she could carry Jesus in her womb, and she was willing to follow His plan no matter the cost. The favor of the known God should also diminish the fear of unknown circumstances in our lives.
Mary’s character shows why God chose her: humble, willing, obedient, no matter the cost. We should demonstrate these qualities in our own lives, as well; they please our Father, and acknowledge the grace of God upon our lives.
When Mary encountered the angel of the LORD, God was already at work in turning His plan and her potential into reality. (vv. 26-27)
The angel’s greeting pointed out two realities: the favor of God and the presence of God upon her life. (v. 28)
Mary reacts as any human normally would, but was reminded by the angel there was no reason to be afraid. (vv. 29-30)
The angel discloses her part in God’s plan and declares this miraculous birth will (1) direct people to God and (2) impact all eternity. (vv. 31-33)
Mary’s question shows Christmas to be a spiritual, supernatural experience. (vv. 34-35)
The assurance of God’s favor and His pronouncement would be found in the birth of another child of her relative Elizabeth. (vv. 36-37)
Mary reveals her heart with her response, and gives evidence to why God chose her for this eternally significant role in history. (v. 38)
God is watching you…especially “your heart.”
Fear is a normal human reaction to the unknown; freedom from fear should be a growing reaction from the heart of a maturing follower of Christ.
Christmas is an annual reminder that NOTHING is impossible with God.
God’s plan of salvation for people, including you, is confirmed by history, prophecy, and experience, but mostly by His word.
Your response to God’s plan of salvation starts with “yes.”
God always keeps His word; it will never fail.