Fear Not - God’s In This
When the angel informed Joseph of God’s workings regarding Mary, he was willing to go forward with God’s plan. No matter how unconventional God’s plan proves to be, we can go forward if we are confident that God is in it.
Joseph obeyed the LORD, believing God and protecting Mary, so that Jesus entered the world loved, safe, and as told. He willingly, justly, and graciously served this role for the coming Messiah.
Joseph (as well as Mary) were descendants of key people, connected to the coming Messiah. These included Judah, Ruth, and David. (vv. 1-17)
Joseph and Mary were betrothed or pledged to be married. (v. 18)
Matthew’s testimony of Mary’s impending birth confirms Luke’s story: Mary’s pregnancy was by the Holy Spirit, and not of a natural union with him or any other human being. (v. 18)
Joseph was preparing to protect Mary (and no doubt, himself) from public ridicule and disgrace by divorcing her quietly, rather than shame her or have her killed, though he was a faithful adherent to the Law of Moses. (vv. 19-20a)
He was visited by an angel in a dream, who assured him of Mary’s supernatural conception and the coming birth of a son. (vv. 20b-21)
He was told to name the baby Jesus, because the child would save his people from their sins. This was a fulfillment of prophecy given 700 plus years earlier, and a foreshadowing of the Incarnation. (vv. 21-23)
When Joseph woke up, he showed no fear in doing exactly what he had been told. And while he immediately took Mary home as his wife, he did not consummate the marriage until after Jesus had been born. (vv. 24-25)
God may not tell you everything, but He shares with you what you need to know.
He is constantly looking for people who will trust Him and believe He can act without condition, on their behalf.
Less visible roles in calling and in history are just as vital and necessary for the work of God to take place.
We need to follow Joseph’s example in caring for others: our spouse, our family, other loved ones.
Joseph refused to let the fear of society, including rejection, ridicule, and even shame or death, keep him from obeying God.
We also must take the Word of God seriously and “do what the Lord commands.”