Fear Not - There Is Good News [Luke 2:-21]
The angels announced the gracious and glorious arrival of Jesus to a group of panicked shepherds. The gospel emboldens our lives once we comprehend that Jesus actually came for us.
Our fears are met with good news of great joy for all people. Jesus has come for us!
The events of history brought Mary and Joseph by God’s providence to Bethlehem, as had been prophesied. (vv. 1-5)
The journey was long, hard, and difficult, especially for a very pregnant Mary and her betrothed, Joseph. No friends, no family, just God with them…but He was enough. (v. 5)
Jesus was born humbly, without fanfare, and without societal hospitality in the midst of a chaotic, tumultuous, and likely, crowded time. (v. 7)
Shepherds, societal necessities but religious outcasts, were the first to hear of the birth of Jesus. (v. 8)
The angelic messengers replaced the shepherd’s fear with a message of God’s promise and provision: the birth of Jesus good news of great joy for all people. He is the Promised Savior and Messiah of God! (vv. 9-11, 13-14)
God gave them a sign to find Jesus: (baby in a manger, wrapped in swaddling clothes). Still, it would take hope and faith to discover him in the city. (vv.12, 15-16)
The shepherds had three definitive experiences: God had revealed exactly what He said He would, they wanted everyone else to know what had happened, and they praised and glorified God (vv. 17, 19-20)
Mary’s response was different: meditative, reflective, but every bit as precious to her (v. 18, 21) Along with Joseph, they name him Jesus, as previously instructed.
Don’t interpret circumstances as God’s reward or punishment. Instead, keep her eyes of God, regardless of what is happening in the world around you.
God’s plan may use unlikely people and methods, but it always comes to pass.
God wants to replace your fear with His certainty, your concerns with His provision, your apprehension with His faith.
Jesus came for all people; the shepherds are the perfect example of that. He came for you.
He is named Jesus: declared Savior, Messiah, and Lord. Now that you know, how will you respond?